How do I finalize my video?

2 min. readlast update: 07.22.2024

VidDay transforms your cherished media into a stunning video gift, all wrapped up and set to delight your loved one.

Go to your Event Page > Finalize Your Video and click the Checkout & Finalize button to start rendering your final video.

Before taking this step, consider giving your media a quick once-over. You've got two paths to perfection:

  • Dive in and tweak your media on your own.

  • Or, for an additional fee, opt-in for the Quality Check at checkout and let us do the heavy lifting for you.

Opting for Quality Check means a video expert from our team will:

  • Upscale blurry, low-resolution photos using AI upscaling to make them sharper and clearer.

  • Trim video clips to remove any awkward starts and ends.

  • Crop photos to eliminate empty spaces.

  • Turn off our background music for clips that already have their own, ensuring a seamless audio experience.

  • Enhance the duration of photos containing text for better readability.

  • Remove unwanted screenshots from background scenes (in Collage themes) for a cleaner look.

Feel free to share any specific tweaks or preferences you have in mind to help us personalize your video gift to your exact liking.

As soon as we finish the render of your video masterpiece, you'll get an email from us signaling it's showtime.

If you need further assistance, please contact a Customer Care Specialist using our live chat in the bottom right corner.


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